happiness; this is why they are good in themselves and should be encouraged".
Transvestism is treated in the eleventh chapter. He rightly mentions that the heterosexual TV is special and different from TVism as a sympton of other needs. "The hetero-TV wants to be accepted as a woman and receive compliments from men; he wants to be accepted as another woman by women; physically he is all male, hormones and chromosomes included. He identifies with womanhood." The author continues: "Many of them have to wear ladies underwear to be potent with their wife. Several wear these all their life, day and night." The intolerance of society is cruel. Jeers, jokes, ex- posure, etc. Nobody helps the TV. Yet, the histor- ian Ruth Benedict has studied Siberian tribes who used to revere and respect TVism, who were supposed to be given supernatural powers by the gods. Con- demnation in the Bible is recalled (Moses 5:22).
Chapter fourteen suggest sexual reforms in society. Suggestion number 3 will interest all of
"Create offices, government operated, dedicated to establish contact between the erotic minorities. The staff would include a psychologist, a physician, etc. After an interview not unlike one in a matri- monial agency, a competent staffman would find an- other person whose sexual profile matches exactly the unusual desires of the applicant." Newspapers would contribute and openly advertise a "deviate" column; this would replace the under-the-counter sheets one can find in New York on 42nd street. Clubs should be organized where exhibitionist could exhibit in front of a selected audience conposed of voyeurs, etc. For those poor creatures unable to find a complementary mate, government brothels would provide any service. The underworld would stop con- trolling prostitution.
Chapter sixteen opens-up with, "Away with a society of sexual favoritism", meaning that the only